Food Preservation
Preserving Your Future Health
Food is Nutrition
Nutrition is Medicine
This section is intended to provide a basic overview of food preservation techniques that are commonly used on homesteads. However, it is important to note that there are many different methods of preservation and that further recommendations can be found in follow-up articles. It is crucial to always follow the instructions provided by your canner or to consult with your local extension office for guidance.
It is important to be cautious when using online recipes for canning, as many of them may contain inaccuracies or mistakes that can put you and your family at risk of foodborne illness. Therefore, it is recommended to only use methods that have been approved by the USDA to ensure the safety and health of your family.
To access detailed guidelines and recommendations from the USDA National Center for Home Food Preservation, please click the button below to visit their website, where you can download or print a copy of their guidelines. By following these guidelines, you can rest assured that your food preservation methods are safe and effective.
Click the ">" arrows to view the information in the photo gallery.