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Chapter 19
Show 'NÂ Tell
There is a lot of work that goes into selling a home by owner.
Chapter 19: Clients

Hard work turned the little run-down farm into something adorable. The home's front was finally welcoming enough that guests and visitors stopped going to the back garage door. I almost cried the first time the UPS worker brought me a package; this was back when UPS didn't have tracking numbers available to the public. You never knew when to expect your package, so the deliverers would knock, wait for you to answer, and hand you your package.

No detail was left untouched.

Ronnie ran a propane line out to the patio so we could put in an outdoor kitchen. It was my dream to use it for canning, but I couldn't deal with the noise pollution.

The coops were cleaned and ready for guest viewing.

Chicken coops are always filthy. I spent a lot of time making sure the farm looked brand-new and ready for their new owners.

We took our guests on a walk of the entire property.

One of three ponds far out in the middle of the 40-acre plot that we walked around while discussing land management.

The pond near the house.

Everything was neat and spotless.

The repaired hall with new ceiling texture and paint. The slant was hardly noticeable, or perhaps I had gotten used to it.

A tiny but clean kitchen and the back door Ronnie came in from while I was distraught over the work I did for having non-qualified individuals viewing our farm.
Chapter 19: Portfolio
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