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Growing Back to the Land the Novel is Now Available Worldwide

Homesteading is a transformative and empowering journey that can bring healing and vitality to one's life. After a difficult battle with depression and cancer, I found solace in growing my own food and ensuring its proper care from the field to the table. In my journey, I discovered the true meaning of self-sufficiency, and the profound connection to nature that comes with living a country life.


My book, 'Growing Back to the Land,' shares my intimate narrative of growth and discovery and the wonderful experience of living in "God's Country."



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Explore the beauty of nature through hundreds of stunning photos from the epic book about growing back to nature. Get a glimpse into the diverse chapters of this inspiring book and see the world in a new light."

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Time is tight on the homestead, and writing is reserved for rainy days and late evenings if I am not too tired. Please be sure to sign up for email notifications of newly posted blogs.

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Adrienne Dueringer with livestock guardian dogs.

About the Book & Author

Homesteading is a transformative and empowering journey that can bring healing and vitality to one's life. After a difficult battle with depression and cancer, I found solace in the act of growing my own food and ensuring its proper care from the field to the table. In my journey, I discovered the true meaning of self-sufficiency, and the profound connection to nature that comes with living a rural lifestyle.


My book, 'Growing Back to the Land,' shares my personal narrative of growth and discovery and the wonderful experience of living in "God's Country".


This website serves as a visual companion to the book, sharing photos and chapter-by-chapter insights into my journey back to nature. Embrace the power of self-sufficiency and find healing in the beauty of homesteading.

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Living off th Land

Living off the Land

Growing Back to Nature

Homesteading is a fulfilling and rewarding lifestyle that brings joy and satisfaction all year round. While it may require hard work and dedication, the rewards are endless. From providing for yourself and your family, to creating a comfortable and healthy environment for your animals, the journey of homesteading is one of growth and self-discovery. Each day brings new challenges and opportunities to learn and evolve your husbandry practices, making it a constantly evolving and rewarding experience. Remember to always respect the choices and ideas of others, and use the information available to create your own vision for the perfect homesteading experience.

Woodcraft beehives

All Natural Bee Keeping

100% Natural Honey 
Better than RAW

The truth about honey may surprise you. Real raw honey is liquid gold. Did you know that in nature, honey is made from fermented pollen? However, it's important to know that most commercial honey sold in the market is not the real deal, but rather just junk syrup. This will educate you on the difference between real and fake honey and how to spot them, the benefits of consuming real honey, keeping bees, and many other insights.

A border collie herding tiny chicks to stay warm under the brooder light

Raising Free Range Poultry

Keeping it Natural as Possible
From Hatch to Freezer

Raising free-range, all-natural poultry presents a variety of challenges, and over the years, I have honed my knowledge and expertise in this field. Through extensive research and experimentation, I have learned how to successfully raise chickens, turkeys, ducks, and geese in a natural pasture setting.


My poultry is raised without the use of any antibiotics, medications, vaccinations, or chemicals, and I take great pride in this achievement. My greatest accomplishment is developing a system and heritage breeds that allow our birds to thrive on a diet of non-GMO whole bulk grain, grubs, and pasture as their sole feed source, eliminating the need for expensive bag feed completely. This is a testament to my dedication and expertise in the art of raising poultry that can thrive in an old-world and natural environment.

A large content hog on green pasture


Raising happy, pastured pork is an incredibly fulfilling and rewarding experience, and the end result is truly the best thing ever. Supplementing with goat milk, eggs, and garden vegetables, our pork is raised naturally and with the utmost care and attention. The delicious and unparalleled flavor of our pork cannot be bought in any store, it is truly a unique and special experience.

Although we have no intention of selling our pork due to regulations, the beauty and joy of raising it for our own consumption is truly priceless. It is a true labor of love and an experience not to be missed.

Milk goats enjoying fresh grass


Goats are truly one of the most remarkable and versatile creatures that nature has to offer. Not only are they personable and loving, much like a dog, but they also provide a wide range of benefits to their owners. From milk, cream, butter, yogurt, ice cream, cheese, whey, and even meat, goats offer a wealth of resources that can greatly enhance your homesteading or farming experience. There are various methods for raising and caring for goats, and these tips will guide you through choosing the best approach for your specific needs and goals. Whether you're a seasoned farmer or a first-time goat owner, this article will provide valuable insights and information to ensure the success and happiness of your goats.

White tailed deer in the woods


Venison, the traditional definition of large wild game meat, is a delicacy that can excite any meat lover's taste buds. In languages, it covers different types of wild game such as boar, elk, antelope, bison, and even stag. But in more recent times, the definition has expanded to include other types of game such as rabbits, raccoons, possums, and squirrels. In America, venison is most commonly associated with the delicious and flavorful meat of the whitetail deer.

At this moment, I will be focusing on the use of whitetail deer as a red meat source, and how it's an exciting and cost-effective alternative to traditional cattle. Instead of incurring the expense of cattle equipment, hay, and fencing, I choose to hunt for our red meat. It's not only a cost-effective solution but also a way to connect with nature and the source of our food. The thrill of the hunt and the satisfaction of providing for ourselves and our family with wild game is truly an unforgettable experience. If you're looking for a new and exciting way to enjoy red meat, venison is the way to go if you have the patience to process the meat correctly.

Wild turkeys


Working with land management specialists to preserve and protect the natural environment.

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canned corn

Food Preservation

Home canning and food preservation go beyond just preserving organic food at home. It is about taking responsibility for the food we consume and the impact it has on our environment. Home canning and food preservation can be a source of inspiration for those who want to reduce their carbon footprint, and create a more sustainable and responsible way of life.

By preserving food at home, we are reducing the amount of food waste that we produce. According to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, about one-third of the food produced in the world is lost or wasted each year. When we preserve food, we are ensuring that we are not contributing to this problem, and we are making the most out of the food that we have.

Additionally, home canning and food preservation can be a way to support local agriculture and reduce the carbon footprint of our food supply. By purchasing locally grown produce and preserving it at home, we are reducing the transportation emissions associated with transporting food from distant locations.

Overall, home canning and food preservation can be an inspirational responsibility for those who want to take control of their own food supply, reduce their impact on the environment, and create a more sustainable and responsible way of life.

Adrienne Dueringer holding an arm load of fresh harvested organic onions

What do we Eat?

Take control of your food and health by growing your own produce. It can start small, like growing a few plants to make pizzas in the summer months. For me, the goal was to break free from the food industry's priorities of cheapness and chemical preservatives over health. I've learned that processed foods labeled as healthy are not truly healthy, and that the only way to ensure chemical-free food is to grow it ourselves. Join us on our journey to self-sufficiency and see the benefits of truly healthy, whole foods."

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Highlander bull beef cow

What's Next?

Evolving the Homestead

Embark on a journey with us as we share our experiences of homesteading, blogging, and self-education in sustainable living practices. We recently moved to a secluded log cabin on 178 acres and are currently in the process of learning about rangeland management for grass-fed beef production. Join me as we grow and develop our new homestead and discover the beauty of living in harmony with nature as we grow together.

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